Saturday, August 15, 2020

A shortened Summer Break

This year, my summer break has been reduced from one month to two weeks instead. Understandable I suppose, given that students didn't have regular classes until the beginning of June. On the other hand, it's good for me, as I will have some work and get paid for August, unlike  in the past where I get nothing for August. Also, since I can't go back home this summer break, I won't be getting bored too quickly.

To pass the time, I just finished weathering my HG RX-78-02 Gundam origin. I finished building it a little while ago, but during this summer break, I finally got around to weathering it. I think it has turned out rather nicely. I'm pretty impressed with how armed to the teeth this version of the Gundam is compared to the regular anime version Gundam.
In addition, I also had the chance to catch up with one of the ALTs who lives near my apartment. We went out to a nearby izakaya on day, then invited him over to join us for a takoyaki party. Since it's been a few years since I used the takoyaki pan I bought (actually it was 5 years ago in Kyoto). Fortunately, the pan worked fine without any problems.

Other than that, not much else has been happening. Though, my girlfriend and I did go out to celebrate 6 years of dating at a nice Italian restaurant. It was pretty quiet, though you can thank the virus for that The food was pretty good. My girlfriend had gnocchi, while I had an angus steak that was covered with a sweet balsamic vinegar sauce, before we finished up with a selection of bite sized desserts, including espresso infused chocolate cake, yogurt and blueberry cheesecake, and another one I surprisingly cannot recall. All in all it was a good experience, and the chef was also playing the role of waiter, who was a really friendly guy. 
My students ask when we're going to get married, though with her still doing her doctorate, and me still trying to get better work within the current company I'm working for (among other things), it looks like it will probably be a few more years yet. Not to mention that we live in different cities (though she has been living with me for the last 4 months due to the corona/CCP virus, and the ongoing few hundred daily cases of it in Tokyo).

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