Friday, February 8, 2019

Playing teacher for a day at JHS


Due to the English teacher being absent for the past two days, and one of the first grade classes hasn't had an important English lesson this week, unlike the other first grade classes, I was asked together with another assistant teacher to run an English class today. 
What's different in this case, is that unlike normal circumstances where I will just hang back, and check students' work in class while they're doing worksheets and such, I was going to be running the class jointly with the other assistant teacher. Her English is pretty good, and she has had experience teaching English at other Junior High Schools in the past, but has never taught at this particular school. On top of that, she's only at this school for two days a week, so she's not too familiar with how certain things go in a typical English class at this school. So with my knowledge of how the class is run, and an idea of what they were supposed to be doing today, combined with her ability to properly convey and explain key grammar points in greater detail in Japanese, we managed to make it work.
Fortunately, today's class was fairly easy, as it was revision for their upcoming end of semester test. The worksheet was already prepared by the English teacher previously, and I had already helped go through the material with the other first grade classes. The teacher and I covered each section with the whole class and checking answers, along with explaining the grammar points, and pointing out where to be careful, such as spelling. On top of that, I think this class is better than the other classes, and they generally behaved themselves, so it worked out in the end.

While I'm ok with hanging in the background and helping where needed for demonstrations, it was a nice change to help run the class directly. Especially when you get to use Japanese to help explain why they should be careful on certain points (such as taking pictures vs. talking pictures). However news came that the English teacher is doing better and likely to return in the next few days. The assistant teacher talked to me about the possibility of coming in next week on the day that I'm usually at elementary school to help her out with running the class if the English teacher is not back by then. She also talked to the vice principal about it, and he said he'd talk to my elementary school about it if the situation required it. While I wouldn't mind doing it again for this particular class, some of the other first grader classes can be a handful. However, between the two of us, I think we could  make it work again.

Unrelated news, I passed my JLPT N4, and am currently preparing for N3

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