Tuesday, May 7, 2024

入院してしまった (I've been hospitalized)

For the last few days, I have been in hospital. I won't go in to the details of why, but I will have an operation tomorrow. 
In any case, in all the years I have lived in Japan, this is the first time that I have needed to be hospitalized. I have read about some people having some bad experiences with Japan's medical system, even myself when it came to dealing with getting an ambulance to come pick me up when I had covid. Fortunately, this time around, the doctors and nurses have generally been friendly. However, as my Japanese ability in the medical field is limited, and so there are many terms that I was not familiar with. Fortunately, my girlfriend, who has been an absolute legend throughout all this, was able to translate most of what the doctors were explaining, and I could kind of piece together other bits of information.

Of course, I also contacted my boss to let them know what has happened also.

My girlfriend was able to bring me all my essentials and necessities, along with a couple of extra things like my laptop and some puzzles to keep me busy in the meantime, but due to the hospital's covid policies, she cannot see me directly. The best that could be done was see each other through the glass wall and talk on the phone. Not the most ideal solution, but it's better than nothing. 

Though my condition is fortunately not life-threatening, I am a little afraid of the operation, even if it means I can make a recovery.

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