Sunday, April 5, 2020

New city & Other topics

Just over a week ago, I moved to a new city. While I had no problem talking about the last city I lived in the last 3 years (hint: it was Chikusei), I feel it probably be better not to talk about my current city, especially what I'm aiming for (hopefully) next year regarding the company I'm working for. I will simply say that I have moved to a city that is south of Chikusei, and is about an hour away from Tokyo by train. However, given the whole coronavirus/CCP virus situation at the moment, heading to Tokyo isn't exactly an option right now.

This time around, I opted to rent an apartment independent of my employer. Again, it's a Leopalace apartment, and aside from a few small things, it's pretty much identical to my previous apartment. Though this time, I'm trying to take better care of this apartment compared to my last one - especially the kitchen. While I didn't destroy the last apartment in any way, I felt I could have done a better job looking after it. Well, it just so happens my girlfriend has been staying over for the past week, so there has been some incentive to keep the place as clean as possible (despite a whole bunch of packing boxes moved off to one side.
The reason she has been staying over lately, has been due to concerns that Tokyo may be put in lock down indefinitely, especially with the number of infections increasing on a daily basis in Tokyo. Combine this with the fact that Prime Minister Abe now has the authority to declare a national emergency. However, with the problem of the postponement of the Tokyo Olympics to next year, and the potential economic damage such an emergency could do, Abe has been incredibly hesitant to make that call, despite Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike putting pressure on Abe to do so. Also, last week's call by Koike for Tokyo residents to stay home over the previous weekend prompted panic buying from Tokyo folk, clearing out supermarkets and convenience stores. Fortunately, my girlfriend and I stocked up early on food to last us about a month, so we've been living off that. In another stroke of good luck, it seems the panic buying hasn't reached out to this current city I'm in. While some supermarkets here have signs up about limits on certain products, there seems to be ample of products to go around. Unfortunately, we're still waiting on new masks to be produced, given that they've all been bought up since early last month. I have checked on Amazon Japan for masks, I notice that many of the masks on sale are from sellers located in China, which seems to match with China and the CCP's soft power plans to try and profit from this mess that they have spread (whether they caused it is up for debate, but their mismanagement and deception on this matter certainly didn't help in the early stages).

Anyway, I also visited my schools last week. Unlike my time in Chikusei, I will be working in three schools: one elementary school, and two junior high schools. My elementary school will be my main school (three days a week), and I'll be working one day each for my junior high schools. However, I've been told classes will not officially start until the 20th of this month, though I will still be going to school and getting paid for it fortunately. However, it seems that some students may still turn up to school during that time (due to working parents), so it will at least be an opportunity to meet some of the students and get to know them - and possibly join the JHS' art clubs and get back in to drawing, since I haven't done any since moving... and I'm currently waiting on a new touch pen to be delivered soon.

So that's about it for now.

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