Sunday, April 29, 2018

New Elementary School - Initial thoughts

Well, it's been 3 weeks since I started at my new elementary school. So, what are my initial thoughts.

It. Is. Small.

My previous school, while not as big as the schools I had back in Kamisu, it certainly wasn't small either. Aside from my 6th graders, all my other year groups were made up of at least two classes worth. My 6th grade was made of just one class, but there were nearly 40 students as a result.
This school I'm at now, there's only class of each grade, which isn't the most surprising part. The most surprising part is the size of these classes. At most, there are probably 20 students in each class, but my smallest class is made up of just 11.

My school is apparently still preparing a dedicated English classroom for me, at the request of the BoE, but I haven't heard anything of an ETA on it. So in the meantime, I go to each class to teach, with the students coming to pick me up from the teacher's room.
I have made an effort to spend time with the students during break time, usually I'm playing dodge ball with students, and they seem to enjoy me playing with them, and the teachers seem pretty happy about it too.

I am still getting used to the different environment and finding a teaching style to suit this school, but I'm slowly getting there. I will admit thought, I'm still sore about losing my previous elementary school. Hopefully I will get in to the swing of things at this school sooner rather than later.

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