Saturday, April 9, 2022

The new job - One week later

It's been one week since I started the new job. So how's it been so far?

Compared to being an ALT, I feel there's a lot more to learn and do as a recruiter. I've been spending this past week learning a bit about the procedure for how to screen applicants, record entry for all candidates, whether they have passed or failed their interviews, and they've taught me how to engage with a few candidates to set up interviews.
Whether it is because this is currently a busy period to find new candidates to fill in positions that are still vacant right now, or because it's only been one week since I started (I suspect maybe the former), they haven't quite got me contacting candidates on regular basis just yet. They've given me a few candidates to contact to allow me to get the hang of things, so it's not all bad. 
Though the one thing I'm still trying to get my head around is regarding my hours. The hours I do is always set, and includes time for lunch. However, if I'm out somewhere work related (i.e. a school in another prefecture), and come back to the office after a 2 hour commute, that commute counts as work time. However, if I do that commute with the intent to go straight home, I need to remote in and work from home to make up for those two hours. That is how I understand it, thanks to my kind (and very patient) team lead. That's the other thing I've noticed so far - my team is pretty helpful, and pretty damn patient too - they're willing to help me with whatever questions I have (and I have a lot), and even encourage me to ask if there's something I'm not sure about, or if there is something irregular in candidate records or even the candidates' applications. 

Hopefully, I can keep on top of things as I am also trying to learn from my previous experiences working in IT support. 

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