Sunday, April 24, 2022


Since starting the new job, I've been assigned to work out of town for nearly three weeks, and it looks to continue on for possibly a few more. The company made it clear to me that this sort of thing would happen some times, though they admitted that this current situation is irregular, as when this usually happens, it's for a few days at most. As a result of working out of town, I've been put up in a hotel that was chosen and paid for by the company. It's not too far to the local train station (and I have to take a train to get to where I'm working), though even after taking the train, it's nearly a 30 minute walk still. Some good exercise at least. 
I know I'm being cryptic about the nature of this out of town work, but I am a little concerned that if I give any more details (such as which city and prefecture I've been assigned), somebody might be able to identify me and which company I work for, and I don't want that. 

Fortunately, though I'm out of town during the week, I'm home for the weekend at least. Still, since Friday, I've been feeling really tired. I could understand Friday, as I commuted back to the office right after finishing my out of town work, and did a little bit more work there before heading home. However, it doesn't explain why I was still feeling tired yesterday, and even today. I have a suspicion it might be to do with the coffee I've been drinking regularly, and the fatigue is finally catching up with me. That, or possibly I'm mentally fatigued from the constant travelling back and forth every week. Or, it could just be down to the weather, as it has started to get warmer recently. 
For now, I'm going to try and cut out the coffee this week, and see how that goes. Fortunately, Friday's a public holiday, so I'll only be out of town until Thursday, and enjoy the long weekend. 

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